Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym Term
AIM Asset information model
AIR Asset information requirements
BCF BIM collaboration format
BEP BIM execution plan
BIM Building information modelling
bsDD buildingSMART data dictionary
BSI British Standards Institute
CAFM Computer aided facility management
CDBB Centre for Digital Built Britain
CDE Common data environment
CEN European Committee for Standardization
COBie Construction-Operations Building information exchange
DBB Digital Built Britain
EDMS Electronic document management system
EIR Exchange information requirements
GIA Gross internal area
IDM Information delivery manual
IFC Industry foundation classes
IT Information technology
KPI Key performance indicator
MIDP Master information delivery plan
MVD Model view definition
O&M Operations and maintenance
OIR Organizational information requirements
PDF Portable document format
PIM Project information model
PIR Project information requirements
RACI Responsible, accountable, consulted, informed
RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects
SAMP Strategic Asset Management Plan
TIDP Task information delivery plan
WIP Work in progress