5.1 Assessment and Need

Appoint individuals to undertake the information management function

Establish the project’s information requirements - Considerations

Establish the project’s information requirements - Production

Establish the project's information standard - Exchanges

Establish the project's information standard (continued)

Establish Project's information production methods and procedures

Project Reference Information

CDE strategy

CDE functionality

CDE implementation

Establish the project's information protocol

5.2 Invitation to Tender

Establish your exchange information requirements (EIR) - considerations

Exchange information requirements (EIR) - production

Assemble reference information and shared resources

Establish tender response requirements and evaluation criteria

Compile tender package resources for information management

5.3 Tender Response

Nominate individuals to undertake the information management function (ISO 19650-2 clause 5.3.1)

Establish the delivery team's (pre-appointment) BIM execution plan (ISO 19650-2 clause 5.3.2)

Capability and capacity (task team activity)

Capability and capacity (delivery team wide)

Mobilization plan

Risk Register

Compile your tender response

5.4 Appointment

Establish the functions within your delivery team (prospective appointed parties)

Establish the functions within your delivery team (prospective appointed parties)

Consider the appointing party's (the client's) exchange information requirements (EIR)

Consider the appointing party's (the client's) exchange information requirements (EIR)

Consider the appointing party's (the client's) exchange information requirements (EIR)

Establish your own (lead appointed party) exchange information requirements (EIR)

5.5 Mobilization

5.6 Collaborative production of information

5.7 Information model delivery

5.8 Project close-out

SMART BIM Management Guidance